Dude-You're in a Sexual Sewer and Don't Know It!
Author Philip Yancey once wrote, "A society that denies the supernatural usually ends up elevating the natural to the supernatural status." No truer words!! Young people today practically worship their icons in music, TV, movies and sports. What they don't know, is that they're trying to fill a vacuum in their souls that only God can fill. Hey, I hear you laughing out there...hold it down. It's true, whether you like it or not. An area of concern and rapid change is sex...it is idolized to the point that many young boys think sex is what you do to show power and control or to be coolest kid (or whatever your word for "cool" is). And sadly, many of our girls just think they are a piece of meat for the boys to do with as they want, in order to be liked and accepted. Unfortunately, their books, movies, music often reflect the sewer level of sex instead of the sacred level it should be. The songs have gone from "I Wanna Hold Your Ha...