Silience is Deafening...Say What?
24 hour news cycle, 24 hour shopping centers, 24 hour restaurants, 24 hour traffic, 24 hour lights, music, TV...SHUT UP will ya'! Ever sit for a quiet moment with all of that stuff shut off? What do we usually say then? "Silence is deafening!" Amazing isn't it. Silence is so unusual in today's industrialized areas, that its presence is felt as if it were still noise. Yikes! Yet God is always inviting us away for some quiet time with Him. If He speaks in a "still, small voice", then how can we hear Him in a clanging, loud world? Practice honey, practice! If we let our senses dominate our thinking, the incessant overstimulation won't allow you to focus on the "things unseen". Silence is that buffer zone between the turmoil of the world and the treasures of the Lord. No wonder the old devil is using social media, blasting music, wild videos and video games to distract us. And some foolish people are letting younger and young