
Showing posts from September, 2017

What a God We Serve

Geez, can get hectic sometime. What a ride it's been. Went hiking on the Appalachian Trail last week and came back with an aggravated sciatic nerve problem. All in God's good timing, I'll be back out in the fight. In the meantime, I'm going a bit slower...and that includes my blog. So, hang we go again!   Ever notice that God seems a reluctant intervener? He moves with what seems to us, in agonizing slowness. Jesus had this "selective intervention" too. He wasn't a walking cure dispenser but rather every miracle was given as a sign of God's will; a word picture in our lives.   When He told the world that true worshippers would worship Him in Spirit and in truth, He was re-defining "church". That statement took God's presence out of a building and put it into us, His people. Priests and temples had served their purpose, harbingers of what was to come. He never intended for His people to sit under stifling r...